About Us

Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you.
~John Muir~

Years Together
Years Married
States Visited

As You Wish

On August 31, 2013 Jordana and I climbed the Cliffs of Insanity and held the wedding of all weddings at the Sayville Mansion 22 months after we first met.

We were fortunate to have a lot of our friends and family join us on our special day and Jordana’s best friend Kimi was our officiant.

4 months Later

We finally took our Honeymoon to Oahu, Hawaii and had the time of our lives. Hawaii is a magical island and our love for traveling was cemented.

A Memorial Day Surprise

I awoke to a surprise from Jordana. We had a feeling something was different lately and the pregnancy test confirmed our suspicions. We were going to be parents!

Our Viking Princess Arrives

On January 29th our world forever changed with the arrival of our little girl. We were immediately smitten and spent the first 2 days all together in the hospital. Jordana showed me just how strong she is with her long delivery and how strong the bond is between mother and child.

I was between jobs as I had left one hospital job for another and would have 2 weeks off to spend with them.

A Story of Love and Math

I made the below video when we learned about baby #2 coming.

Odin Arrives

On June 7th our little bruiser, who we affectionately call Squishy Face Long Toe Magoo, arrived and completed our family.  Aurelia was now a big sister and took to Odin immediately. I was now no longer out numbered and the odds were even.  After the birth we were lucky to spend 2 months together as a family and bond together.

Odin carried that smile from inside the womb to the outside world and keeps smiling to this day.

Our Big Decision

Jordana and I finally had a date! It was August 31st and our 6th wedding anniversary. We finally got a moment to ourselves and had a nice dinner at the Snapper’s Inn. We talked a lot about everything. Our life, our kids, but most importantly…what did we want to do.

We decided we really wanted to travel. Aurelia and Odin are young enough that we would not have to worry about schooling. We want to see our country. Yes, we had traveled, both before and while together, but we wanted to see more. We want to experience more and we want to give that to the both of them. It was at that moment that we decided that we should buy an RV and travel the country. Our plan is simple. Sell our house, move into an RV and travel.

Things moved fast and on December 1st, 7 years after I proposed to Jordana, we were now the proud owners of a 35 foot Winnebago class A motorhome. We even used it during Christmas to go to Jordanas parent’s house to stay for a few days.

Our RV Scouting Trip

The Day We Went to Pick Up Our RV

Our Plan

So….our plan was to work for the winter and spring and at the same time finish up projects on the house. Once summer hits, it’s hard to do work. It’s the best time of year on Long Island. During summer, we would finalize our plans and then list the house for sale. Once sold, Marie Condu all our stuff, move into the RV and boom! Travel.

Well, a certain pandemic has other ideas. As a paramedic, JP is on the front lines for the covid crisis and unfortunately he was exposed and tested positive. Luckily, the RV came in handy for his 2 week quarantine. Since then, we have been trying to get things back on track and are exploring our options.

As of now, our plan is still to list our house for sale at the end of August and see what happens. If it sells, we will hit the road with an initial plan to travel down to Key West to meet up with friends and then come back for Christmas. At that time we will evaluate how well this new lifestyle is working and go from there.

Our Family



JP has a lot of passions, but family always comes first. Currently working as a Critical Care Paramedic, he also likes to film and take pictures and finds his creative outlets while modifying our Jeep.



Jordana is the mama bear and is always protecting Aurelia and Odin and making sure JP doesn’t forget anything. She’s passionate about dance and music and can be found shakin’ it with her zumba ladies.


Boss Lady

Aurelia is a multi talented young girl and the fastest scooter racer on our block. She loves learning, playtime, dancing and swimming. This summer she has learned to dive under waves and swim more in the ocean.



Odin is our happy boy. He loves to smile and laugh. He loves playtime, snuggling and being outside all the time. This summer he has falling in love with the ocean and bay and is now obsessed with swimming.

Summer Lofn Jeep

Click on our Jeep to learn more about our off road machine.

2008 Winnebago Sightseer 35J

Click on the picture of Winnie da Bago to learn more about our home on wheels.

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