Unique Camping and Marine

About Unique Camping and Marine

Talk to 100 RVers and you’ll hear 100 different opinions on how to “properly” treat your RV holding tanks. Stop wasting time and money, only to be left with clogs, odors, and problematic tanks. The Unique Method is the most effective, proven way to treat your holding tanks, so you can enjoy your RV hassle-free.

Learn How To Use The Unique Method


The Unique Method is a proven holding tank treatment process that we have meticulously developed over the years through in-depth conversations with campers of all types, both highly experienced and brand new. Our process is easy to follow and will virtually eliminate all problematic tank odors, prevent clogs and pyramid plugs, and ensure that your tank sensors continue to read properly. With The Unique Method, we’ve taken the confusion out of tank maintenance for RVers of every type by developing a simple yet robust program that is hands-down the most effective process available today!

Many of these treatment styles and home remedies require you to follow strange rules, often involving use of ice, laundry detergents, water softeners, or expensive chemical treatments. Then, after a whole lot of headache and expense, you’re still left with troublesome tanks! It can be enough to make you consider hanging up your keys and calling it quits, especially if you’re a new RVer!

Fortunately, The Unique Method doesn’t over-promise success based on a certain product or a home remedy based on old wives’ tales; instead, we offer a well calculated mix of mechanical processes (physically doing the right things) coupled with the right kinds of tank treatments. In this way, you’ll easily be able to achieve an odor-free, clog-free, and problem-free holding tank!

In fact, we’ve successfully helped thousands of RVers using The Unique Method. The techniques we use can be successful with any type of camping (including full hook-ups, dry camping, or full time) in any temperature—as long as you follow the rules. Like anything else, failure to reasonably follow The Unique Method’s rules will ultimately limit its success. That’s just the simple truth.

We want to be upfront about this: nothing is a magic bullet, and if you insist upon pushing your RV past its reasonable limits, you will have problems. For example, if you dry camp for two straight weeks in excessively hot temperatures, use virtually no water in your toilet, and never dump your tanks, odors are going to show up. Sure, you can use a chemical deodorizer to help cover up those nasty toilet smells with strong fragrances, but then it’s likely that your sensor probes will misread, and waste will build up inside your tank! Of course, it’s entirely your prerogative if you want to camp this way! Enjoy your RV however you wish, but also understand that you will have tank issues.

All that we’re trying to say is this: like it or not, there are certain unchangeable “rules of holding tanks.” Refuse to abide by the rules, and you will likely end up paying the price: odors and/or clogs. But don’t worry! Like we said before, The Unique Method’s “rules” are actually quite straightforward, so you don’t have to completely change how you use your RV if you want to avoid holding tank trouble!

Ready to start using The Unique Method and eliminate your toilet troubles? Let’s get started!

Partnership Info

We are excited to be trying out the Unique Camping and Marine RV holding tank products.  We will be testing their tank treatments and will be doing review videos as well as blog write ups.

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